We encourage all ākonga and whānau to join us in taking part in Recycling Week.

We have included lots of ideas about how to get invovled over the week, including a 'Recyclcing Week Challenge'

OPS Recycling Week Challenge 2023

Each day of the 2023 Recycling Week has a focus to help us get better at recycling.

We invite all OPS ākonga to keep a record and share it with us of what they manage to do over the week of October 16-22. We would love to share some of your great ideas on this page and in our newsletters. 

You could record your ideas from the week...

Please email your finished records to Mrs Holley - vholley@onehungaprimary.school.nz

This website is designed for school children, teachers, and parents. Here you will find downloadable resources to aid youth learning when it comes to waste and recycling.