OPS Fots - Friends of the school

What is Fots?

Fots (Friends of the school)  is a group of school whānau and staff who want to support their children’s school. It's a little bit like a PTA - Parent Teacher Association which you may be familiar with. 

Different people bring different skills, availability and different ideas. There are a lot of people in our community who want to give their time or expertise etc…the role of Fots is partially to find those people and inspire them to get involved with a current project or initiative.

Being involved in Fots not only helps OPS, it's a great way to show your child/ren that you value school and that being involved is important. 

It’s also a chance to meet other OPS whānau - previous members have made lifelong friends from their involvement.

Current Projects

Disco - Term 3

Calendar Art

Term 3 Mini Fair

Minutes of our meetings

Friends of the School 2024 - Agenda & Minutes  

2023 Meeting agendas and Minutes - Tentative meeting dates for 2023 included.

OPS Fots - 'Friends Of The School' Expression of Interest

 Please complete this form if you are interested in getting involved in OPS Friends of the school.

Term 4 2022 Sign Up Sheet

Planned and possible Fots events have been added to this sheet. Please feel free to add your detail to any ou are able to support.

Proposed events can not go ahead if we do not have offers to help organise and run them.

How Does Fots Help OPS?

Fots is a voluntary group of OPS whānau who have traditionally supported our school in one of a few different  ways…

Fots Events & Involvement