Starting School at 5

We encourage whānau to pre-enrol their children approximately one year (or more) before the child's  5th birthday.  See links for our 'Intention To Enrol 'form below

This booklet has information about starting school at 5 and our Little Kiwi's programme.

Little Kiwis - Getting Ready For School  

- 5 weeks of fun before you join the Kiwi Learning Community. 

We encourage whānau to get their children involved in the Little Kiwis programme in the 5 weeks before starting school. It has been planned to help us to develop relationships with your child and whānau and support a positive and smooth transition into our school.

There is more information later on this page.

Little Kiwis Programme - Getting Ready For School

- 5 weeks of fun before you join the Kiwi Learning Community

To help us plan for the ‘Little Kiwis’ sessions, if you plan to get involved, please either let our office know (636 6256, OR complete this quick form.

We know that no matter what experiences children have been involved with before starting school, it can be a big transition. To support your child and whānau we have planned a series of ‘Little Kiwis’ - opportunities to spend a morning at school taking part in a series of interactive sessions planned by the Kiwi Learning Community teachers which will help us to develop relationships with your child and whānau, and support positive and supportive transition into our school.

While the ‘Little Kiwi’s programme has been planned in a series of 5 weeks. It’s up to you the number of these you take part in.  We would suggest taking part in the series of 5, if possible, as we will build on the information and messages shared in the previous sessions. We have outlined the programme in the table below.

This programme is for whānau who have completed an Intention to Enrol form (pre-enrolment) form. Whānau who have completed an ‘Intention To Enrol a Child’ form will be contacted to arrange these visits about two - three months prior to their child starting.

 ‘Intention To Enrol a Child’ forms can be emailed by office staff or you can complete the copy later in this booklet. You can contact our office by calling 6366256 or emailing 

‘Little Kiwis’ takes place on a Friday morning, unless noted below, and will start at 9.00am. Please note the finish times change some weeks to accommodate the activity planned. They will be led by teachers in our Kiwi Team and other school staff.

Please check our OPS website - ‘Starting School At 5’ for the most up to date information. It is possible that dates and programmes may need to change as school events are added to our school calendar.

As part of each session, children will have a ‘brain break’ where they eat a healthy snack and have a drink of water. This is one of the ways we start to introduce things which will happen at school to your child. Please pack a small healthy snack and water bottle for your child.

An adult whānau member must accompany their child, and stay on school site while your child is part of ‘Little Kiwis’ You are welcome to come to our admin area and work or get a coffee if you would like to. 

Please sign in at our office when you come for these visits.

To help us plan for the ‘Little Kiwis’ sessions, please either let our office know (636 6256, OR complete this quick form.

Zaynab was so happy and felt very secure and comfortable in class from day one of Little kiwi visits up until now. I still remember after her first visit she said "Awesome school, I like it". We are so happy that she is receiving a good education and feels a sense of comfort at school.- Fathima Muhammad Imtiyas

“I like coming to school and learning with my friends. Rua is my friend. We like puzzles the most.”- Zaynab

I found the Little Kiwi visits great to see how the school works and it gives them a little taste before they start. I got to sit in an end of term concert which was so cool! After that Edeline couldn't wait to get started. She is just loving being at OPS.  -Greg Tucker

“I really do like reading and playing but I love learning most of all. Playing on the field is good too when Mrs Wolhuter takes us outside.”- Edeline Tucker

“We were really happy with the little kiwi’s program. We did 4 sessions before Cara’s start date and really felt that it fully prepared her for school. I think doing the weekly visits made her feel comfortable and allowed her to meet and make friends with other children before she started.

Cara has settled in well and really enjoys coming to school each day.” Chloe McKenzie

“We are learning counting and writing in our class.” Cara

"Starting school is a big adjustment for kids but the Year 0 class with Mrs Wollhuter provides a familiar environment where free play is encouraged whilst also introducing them to more disciplined mat times. The school visits leading up to his first day made it easier for him as well as for mum and dad. Eli took to Mrs Wollhuter very quickly and is loving school more and more each day." Jess and Reuben

“My favourite thing about school is seeing my brother and having brain breaks. I also liked learning about space.”- Eli

Little Kiwis In Term 3 and 4 2024

Intention to Enrol form (pre-enrolment)

We ask whānau who live within our enrolment zone who intend to enrol their children at our school complete this form and return it to our office.