
        Fun Run 


Thank you to our Colour Fun Run sponsors, 2024

Colour Fun Run 2024 -  we will keep adding information as the term progress.

You can sponsor students by donating to complete 7 colour challenges over the term. Follow the donation instructions using the ‘Givealittle Page.’ Cash can be given using the sponsorship form. However, we would much prefer you use the Givealittle pages that have been set up. This way, no cash needs to be exchanged, and we can track which class and students are involved, getting lots of sponsors and raising the most money.

Click here for the Givealittle Pages 2024

Click on the slides below to see all the  information your will need before and on the day of our Colour Fun Run, 2024.

COLOUR Fun Run info 2024

Using the Givealittle Page

You could share the link below or the donation instructions with whānau living abroad.

Donation instructions:

You can either use a credit card or internet banking.

1. Google ‘Givealittle’ and then search Onehunga Primary School or type/click on the following link,

2. Click on Onehunga Primary School Colour Fun Run 2024

3. Click on Whānau Class

4. Click donate

5. Find your child’s name - Please fill this out so we can track each student’s donation (if you are new to the school, you can add your child’s name in the comment section)

6. Proceed to payment