Currently Advertised Positions at OPS
Applications Now OPEN For this Position
Scale A - Teacher - Permanent Position 2025
Our diverse, multicultural and growing school is set in the heart of Onehunga. We are seeking highly effective, passionate and genuinely caring educators to join our community of learners in 2025.
Our staff work collaboratively in Learning Communities to provide the best possible learning experiences for our ākonga through our Onehunga Primary School ‘EPIC’ approach to learning - Emotional environment, Physical environment and Intellectually Challenging environments.
The majority of our school work and learn within an architectural award winning new building, with just one Learning Community in existing classrooms.
2025 will be the second year of our whole school approach to Structured Literacy with ongoing professional learning supported by an external facilitator.
As a growing school we offer opportunities for future professional growth and leadership.
We would love to hear from you if you:
Can build strong responsive relationships with children and their whānau
Have sound understanding of the NZ Curriculum and high expectations for all ākonga
Are excited about working collaboratively with your colleagues in a learning community
Have a great sense of humor and love to learn
Application Deadline: Thursday March 6 at 12.00 PM
Please email or post your CV and covering letter to - Juliet Johnston - Leadership PA or forward your printed application to :
Confidential Application for Permanent Scale A Teacher Position
Onehunga Primary School
122 Arthur Street
Auckland 1061
Attn: Viki Holley (Principal)
Covering Letter
Thank you for considering joining our team at Onehunga Primary School.
This document contains information you will need to apply for this position and information about our school and from some of our existing staff.
At this stage we have not determined the year level for this position. This will be decided based on our existing staffing and taking into consideration the preferences and experience of the successful applicant.
If you require further information about the positions or appointments process, please contact me at or by calling 0272 853878.
Please ensure you supply the following for your application and note that applications without these forms completed will not be considered.
A covering letter to support your application and CV.
Your Curriculum Vitae - emailed or hard copy. Please supply a stamped addressed envelope if you wish to have your hard copy CV returned.
Your completed application form - Application Form for Scale A Teacher - Permanent Term 2 Start 2025 - google form This form comes to us automatically when you submit it.
Please share the link to the Referee Form for Scale A Teacher - Permanent Term 2 Start 2025 to your two selected referees and request that they are forwarded to me by the close of applications, as listed above. This form comes to us automatically when your referee submits it.
Please note that applications without our completed forms will not be considered.
All of the application forms and documents can be emailed as WORD documents should you have difficulty with the google documents - please email to request the forms as Word documents
Please email or post your CV and covering letter to - Juliet Johnston - Leadership PA or forward your printed application to :
Confidential Application for Permanent Scale A Teacher Position
Onehunga Primary School
122 Arthur Street
Auckland 1061
Attn: Viki Holley (Principal)
We will be finalising our appointment timeline closer to the close of applications.
We look forward to receiving your application.
Ngā mihi
Viki Holley (she/her)
Onehunga Primary School
Find Out More About OPS
OPS Facebook Page - Newsletters linked to this page
A video about our OKE journey - Our Productive Gardens 2024
School Tours For Potential Applicants
Please contact our office on 09 636 6256 or email to find out details if you are interested in talking or having a look around our school as part of your application process.
From Our Staff
You are welcome to contact ay of these staff to ask questions about our school.
Sa Lialia'i
Malo le soifua. After almost eight years at OPS, people often ask if I see myself teaching elsewhere.
This kura, the staff, ākonga and their whānau have made me want to stay right where I am.
I am blessed to be teaching in an environment that fosters relationships and honours tautua - service. From our staff who are funny, resilient and nurturing to our caretaker who is the Warriors’ number one supporter, it is these relationships that keep us strong and to me, that is important.
The collaborative approach has given me room to grow, learn and adapt my teaching pedagogy. I have also been able to inject my own flavour of doing things in my learning community and within the school.
I have made friendships within the community and rewarding relationships with ākonga and whānau which is why I don’t feel like I’m coming to work.
Yes, it’s not easy and daily challenges never stop. But my heart is embedded here and there is still much work to be done.
Cam Insull
Kia ora! My name is Cam Insull. I'm a provisionally registered teacher at Onehunga Primary School. I joined OPS at the start of 2023 and am happy to be part of such an incredible team. I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to work alongside experienced teachers who are committed to my growth and development, and I have found a school with values that align perfectly with my own. I have enjoyed their supportive, people-centric approach, it has made my experience both rewarding and enjoyable. Growing up, I played a lot of sports and loved playing the drums. I was excited to find that OPS has some awesome sports and music options that I can get involved in. If you have any questions about joining Onehunga Primary School, please feel free to reach out—I would love to chat!
Nicole Worsley
I have been part of the Onehunga team for over 5 years. I came here on practicum as a student teacher and returned to work in the school. This school is an amazing place that has a team of staff that go the extra mile to look after the tamariki and whanau, as well as each other. The culture in the staff is a positive and inclusive environment. The school provides amazing opportunities for the tamariki and whanau, as well as the respect and inclusion of all cultures in the school. As a member of staff I have been given great opportunities to extend my pedagogy and develop my leadership skills in a variety of ways.
Namrata Ghadiyar
Kia Ora, I have been teaching in OPS for well over 15 years and am proud to be a part of this wonderful school. One thing that has kept me rooted here, is the feeling of Manaakitanga across our school community. The staff at every level are supportive and kind, and work hard to imbibe our WE CARE values in our students. Celebrating the success of our ākonga and setting high expectations for their learning is our common goal. Over the years, OPS has given teachers opportunities to grow and build on their strengths. Feel free to reach out and have a kōrero about our fantastic school.
Aontacht Breatnach
Tena koe. Ko Aontacht toku ingoa and I go by Matua B around the school. I joined Onehunga Primary School 12 months ago, after two (I enjoyed and learned so much from the first, I went back for more!) placements from my wānanga and I’m a provisional registered teacher. Onehunga Primary School has a myriad of ākonga from around the world which provides an opportunity to explore and celebrate their cultures. Being a part of a collaborative and supportive learning environment is a crucial part of your early years as a teacher and all staff (including support) here have fulfilled this role admirably. If you have any pātai about joining Onehunga Primary School, please feel free to reach out - I would love to have a kõrero and share my whakaaro!
Rachel Taylor - Year 5/6 Kaiako
I've been working here for ten years and live locally. Onehunga Primary School is at the heart of a warm and diverse community. I feel privileged to work in a well-designed learning space with sweeping views of the Manukau Harbour, friendly students and a staff that genuinely care.
Jordan Erceg - Learning Leader & Year 0/1 Kaiako
"I started at OPS almost 9 years ago and I have always been proud to be a teacher here. The Onehunga community is special and the students are diverse, warm and engaging. All staff go above and beyond for our students and the tamariki are so very lucky. I work within the Year 0-1 Kiwi Learning Community and the team is flexible, experienced and kind. I am particularly proud of our team's structured literacy journey, play based learning approach and our continued goal of whānau engagement."