Reporting - Sharing and Celebrating Your Child's Learning in 2024
We have outlined below our reporting to whānau specifically about their child/ren in 2024. These reporting events and methods have been developed using feedback from whānau.
After each reporting event we will ask for your feedback. This helps us to continue to refine our reporting to meet whānau needs.
You are welcome to arrange a time to meet with your child’s teacher to talk about your child’s learning at other times. You do not have to wait for our reporting events if you have things you would like to urgently discuss. Please email your child’s whānau teacher to arrange a time to do this.
Term 1
Whānau Connect Meeting - Week 5 - 28 & 29 February
One Specific Learning Celebration of child’s learning, shared on Seesaw with details of learning and success - Week 9
Term 2
One Specific Learning Celebration of child’s learning, shared on Seesaw with details of learning and success - Week 5
Term 3
Whānau Connect Meeting - Wednesday 31 July and Thursday 1 August . Week 2
Written Report shared at Whānau Connect Meeting and goals developed together for Term 3 and Term 4. Week 2
Term 4
One Specific Learning Celebration shared on Seesaw with details of learning and success - Week 5
End of year Written Report - Week 9
Whānau Connect Term 3 2024
TERM 3's Whānau Connect provides an opportunity for whānau, teacher and child to meet and share information to support the student's learning. This is a positive experience that has a big impact on learning and wellbeing.
Your child will share a couple of their learning celebrations with you and the teacher will share a written progress report. During this time learning goals for Term 3 and Term 4 will be decided.
We believe Whānau Connect meetings are a very important part of working together for successful learning and progress.
If your child is involved in the Awhinatia Ngā Reo (English Language Support) programme, you are welcome to chat with our new teacher Ms Hastings on either of these days.
Please note that on Wednesday 31 July school will finish at 12:45 pm to allow teachers to be involved in these meetings.
You can find a copy of the booking form here if you are not booking online.
Whānau Connect Term 1 2024
TERM 1's Whānau Connect provides an important opportunity for whānau, teacher and child to meet and connect at the beginning of the school year. This replaces our traditional Meet The Teacher and gives each whānau individual time with the teacher. If you have not already booked a time, it’s not too late! Information has been included in this newsletter.
Meetings will focus on whānau, ākonga and teachers sharing information about how the year has started and making plans to support each child’s learning in 2024. Teachers are currently using last year’s achievement data as a starting point. They will not be sharing any new data after only a few weeks at school.
We strongly suggest your child is part of this meeting. We encourage you and your child to take some time to think about the questions below in preparation for your meeting, and talk to your child’s teacher about some or all of these.
What is your child passionate about or show an interest in?
What does your child do well or enjoy doing - at home and school?
What have you noticed about learning and school in previous years?
How could we build on your child’s strengths to support learning?
How would you like us to work together this year?
What is the best way to communicate between your whānau and teacher?
Is there anything that teachers would benefit from being aware of which might impact on your child’s school life?
Please note that on Wednesday 28 February school will finish at 1pm to allow teachers to be involved in these meetings. Skids and YMCA have confirmed an early pick up on the 28/2.