Year 5 & 6 Camp 2024

2024 Piwakawaka Team - Year 5 & 6 Camp - One Big Adventure - Carey Park

Wednesday 3rd July - Friday 5th July 2024

We are excited to share that the 2024 Year 5 and 6 camp will be at One Big Adventure at Carey Park. We did a day camp there in 2022 and Mrs Farley has been to this venue a number of times with a previous school. It’s in a beautiful setting and offers great Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC) experiences. You can see more at

About The Venue

The camp has been booked to cater for the five classes in the Piwakawaka Team to attend together and will run from Wednesday 3rd - Friday 5th July.

The venue has plenty of room to accommodate this number of students and adults. We are really excited to have all of our Piwakawaka Learning Community going to camp together.

This will be a winter camp. One Big Adventure at Carey Park is well and truly set up for camps at any time of the year. One of the reasons for going back to this venue is that they have an exciting programme that runs very well, even in wet weather. We know how unpredictable Auckland weather is at any time of year.  

There are covered walkways around the cabins, dining area and gym, comfortable cabins with heating in every room, washing machines and dryers, if needed.

Camp Newsletters

Camp Newsletter #1 - 6/3/24

Camp Letter #2 - 29/4/24

Camp Letter #3 21/6/24

Camp Letter #4 1/7/24

Camp Documents and Forms

Fundraising For Camp

Matariki Public Holiday Friday 28th June 

Mitre 10 Onehunga - Sausage Sizzle Sign Up Sheet 

As part of Mitre 10’s birthday celebrations they are providing all sausages, onions, sauces, bread and drinks etc for people fundraising for events. 

This means we make 100 percent of any profits made.

We are making the most of this opportunity by doing a sausage sizzle this Friday (Matariki public holiday).

If you are able to lend a hand- please sign up here

If you can’t, please promote it and encourage people to pop down and grab a sausage to help support the fabulous Year 5 & 6 students of OPS.

If you have questions, please contact Jordan Erceg

Lunches 2024 Camp Fundraising

Samosa and Preserves Sales 

Samosa sales will start soon. We will need some whānau help to pack and distribute the orders from the hall from 10am to 1pm on Thursday 72 June.

Sign Up here

Fundraising Sign Up Page

We hope to start this fundraiser as soon a possible. Like most fundraisers we need your support to make it possible.

Wednesday Lunches 

We will need 6 adult whānau volunteers each Wednesday. Please add your name to this document if you are able to help on  a Wednesday (or more).

Our hope is that with 150 whānau in the Piwakawaka Learning Community we can fill these lunchtimes quickly.

Daryl (Piwakawaka LC whānau member) will be coordinating purchasing food and orders and will ensure we have everything we need for each of the days. 

Sign Up here

Important Dates

Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about any aspect of camp.

Thank you for your support,

 Susan Farley, Sa Lialia’i, Rachel Taylor, Emma Rzepecky and Aont Breatnach

Camp Adult Volunteer Info and Forms

For the adults who have been confirmed as attending camp.

Please complete the following by Wednesday 26 June

Camp/ EOTC Volunteer Assistant Agreement form 2024

Camp Adult Volunteer Health and Wellbeing Form 2024


For Your Reference

2024 For Camp Adult Volunteers Related Procedures

Equipment List - adults are same as children (apart from digital devices!) - found in this letter