Tui Learning At Home 2022

Tui Team Learning if your child is isolating at home

28th February, 2022

Dear parents & caregivers,

As we move into phase 3 of Covid Red, there have been some students who have had to isolate at home for up to ten days. We understand that learning is important and here are some ways learning can happen at home:

  • The Tui Team teachers have set up a Virtual Classroom on Seesaw. This has got links to most of the learning that is happening each week in the classroom. There will be templates set up for the students to complete on Seesaw.

  • Mathletics usernames and passwords have been given to the students. The teachers will assign tasks to the students which can be completed at home. Students can also practise their basic facts on Mathletics.

  • Each class has set up Epic (a reading site) with a special class code. Your child can use the class code and read a range a books from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m each day. The teachers will soon be setting tasks on (usernames and passwords) will be given out soon.

  • In 2021, the Tui team created many learning packs for Year 3 and the students can choose from a variety of these tasks. These tasks are all easily accessible on the Learning from home site specifically the Tui team Learning

  • It would be great if students could share their learning on Seesaw. If students cannot access Seesaw and require a printed learning pack, please email the classroom teacher.

Please feel free to clarify any doubts or queries that you may have with your child’s teacher. The Tui team teachers are always ready to support your child in every possible way.

Namrata Ghadiyar (Team Leader Tui Team)

Room 7

Room 8

Room 9

This site is based on 2021 content.

We are directing whānau who have children learning at home due to the need to isolate in 2022 to this site to find additional learning to what their teacher shares if they need it.

There is a huge amount of learning which will be new and unseen because your child is in a different team and class now in 2022.